#1 Education Tourism in ME

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Al-Safwa Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology - Qalyubia

The institute was established under the name of (Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology in Qalioubia) in 2006 AD by Ministerial Decree No. (1116) on 7/7/2006 (attached) issued by the Ministry of Higher Education in the Arab Republic of Egypt.


The name of the institute was changed from (The Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology in Qalioubia) to (Al-Safwa Higher Institute of Engineering) by Ministerial Resolution No. 2511 of 2012 (attached).


authority :-


The Higher Institute of Engineering is affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education in the Arab Republic of Egypt.


The institute is subject to the provisions of Law No. (52) for the year 1970 AD and its regulations issued by Resolution No. (1088) for the year 1987 AD.


Number of years of study: -


The period of study at the Institute is five years of study. Those who successfully pass a bachelor’s degree in the Specialization Division are granted. The qualification is approved by Mr. Prof. Dr. Minister of Higher Education in the Arab Republic of Egypt.