The small temple of Queen Nefertari is located a hundred meters to the north of the large temple, and this temple was carved into the rocks of the mountain that the ancient Egyptians called "The Pure Mountain" or "The Northern Mountain", and before the construction of the Nefertari temple, the local people came to this mountain because they believed that the spirit The goddess Hathor lives inside this mountain, and King Ramses took advantage of the belief of the people of Abu Simbel and carved a temple dedicated to both his wife, Queen Nefertari, and the goddess Hathor.
The small temple consists of a facade with six statues, followed by a pillar hall, and a transverse hall. The temple ends with a small sanctuary and on the sides of it two adjacent rooms. Temple scenes focus on daily religious ceremonies in the temple, such as presenting flowers, carrying the clay tool, serving wine, and burning incense over offerings. It is noticed in this temple that King Ramses II controlled his scenery, and he alone owned seventeen views compared to twelve scenes of the owner of the temple Nefertari, and cut four statues for himself at the facade for two for Nefertari.
The facade of the small temple is twelve meters high, and twenty eight meters wide, and is divided into two towers, each of which includes a group of three sculpted statues, which is ten meters high, two of them representing King Ramesses II and the third of his wife Nefertari, and the most beautiful statue of Queen Nefertari is in the right group, in which Queen Nefertari appears in a long transparent dress, and holds in her hands the tool clay, and put on her head the distinctive Hathori crown consisting of the two feathers and between them the sun disk.