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Temple of Khnum

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The temple of Khnum occupies an interesting site because it is located about nine meters below the ground level on Elephantine Island, and records indicate that it was constructed on top of a previous temple.

Historians believe that the temple was constructed in the era of King Thutmose III. However, it is difficult to prove this because it is the remains of the temple that remains to this day that depicts many of the Ptolemaic rulers the last rulers of the Pharaonic era, and what scholars know is that the physical structure of the temple of Khnum dates back to the Greco - Roman era in Egypt.

The Temple of Khnum is of great value because it is one of the few ancient temples in which the roof is still intact, and in it can be found various stages of construction, where four rows of huge columns spread in the main hall and some of them retain even the old colors painted to this day, which made it from tourism places in Aswan is a favorite for tourists.