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John Assiut Church

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St. John the Assiuty, autistic, was born in Assiut in the year 305 AD, from Christian parents who were well-educated and raised in fear of the Lord. He was engaged in trade and construction, but after his departure and having thought about the life of unity, he handed over his sister and his money to his uncle.

Five years later, the angel of the Lord appeared to Saint John and said to him: Arise, go to the mountain of Assiut and fear nothing, and your heart will not be shaken, so he rose for a while and came to the western mountain of Assiut, five miles from the city, where he built three pans on the foot of a mountain near the town of Thebes first for the needs of envy, and the second to earn his bread, and the third for his spiritual jihad and prayers. Where he practiced the life of asceticism and training in spiritual exercise, including fasting and continuous prayers, impartiality, individuality, silence, and uniting the guardians and guardians of the angels.