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Syrian Monastery

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It is one of the four ancient monasteries remaining to date in the Wadi al-Natrun in the desert of Western Egypt, which is fourteen kilometers from the Rest House on the Cairo - Alexandria Desert Road, and it is also just a few meters from the Monastery of Anba Bishoy, and the monastery resembles the Ark of Noah. 

This monastery was found in the sixth century A.D. and was firstly called "Our Lady of Anba Bishoy", as some double-monasteries arose at a time of doctrinal controversy concerning the subject of Theotokos - that is, the mother of the gods - the monks were determined to honor them as the parent of the gods, and they established next to each major monastery a large church and a vassal subordinate In the name of “The Virgin Mary, the mother of the deities”, that is why the monastery was called “The Monastery of the Virgin St. Anba Bishoy or Our Lady of Anba Bishoy”.